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Lee Wei Liang

Systems Designer | Programmer


Made with Unity Engine(I do not own any of the assets used in the game)


KitVendor is a VR game where you complete client's requests for illegal parts and deliver it to them.

We paid off our debts for KitVendor after 6 weeks with 4 other members.

Credits to Michael Kremmel for MK Glow System

Roles & Responsibilities

Role: Programmer

Being the programmer in the team, I had to pay off debts such as:

  • Program game systems (Crafting, drone management, delivery)

  • Integrate UltraLeap's Leap Motion with Oculus Rift.

  • ​UI and asset integration.


KitVendor was my first project done in VR using Oculus Rift together with the Leap Motion controller. We had a lot of fun creating this project as we experimented with Microsoft Kinect and even using motion capture suits to create a more realistic feel but due to time constraint it was not possible to go for the feel we originally intended.

The Leap Motion provided more realism in the VR world but lacked haptic feedback and had depth perception issues while using a controller broke the realism but greatly improved the accuracy of the controls.

Thank you for reading about my work on KitVendor!

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