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Lee Wei Liang

Systems Designer | Programmer

Bogos Binted

Made with Custom Engine (I do not own any of the art assets used in the game)


Bogos Binted is a quirky 1st Person On-Rails Shooter where tiny aliens invade your backyard causing utter pandemonium.

The development of Bogos Binted took place over the course of 28 weeks with 9 other members with first 14 weeks on custom engine creation showcasing the vision of the game in its earliest stage and the last 14 weeks on content creation.

Design Process

Level 1 boss behavior flowchart

I wanted the first boss to be easy with predictable behaviors so that the player can react and get to know the feel of the bosses in Bogos Binted without being overwhelmed by chaotic elements. Thus, I went for the approach of having more melee attacks with wind up animations and having it spawn minions that the player is already familiar with.

Level 2 boss behavior flowchart

After the second stage, the player is more used to laser attacks from enemies. Thus, I added a similar kind of concept of laser attacks that could sweep across the screen or chase the player. There are some attack patterns such as the clap attack and spawning of aliens that are carried over from the first boss as the second boss features some upgrades from the first boss while maintaining a similar form.

Animation System

As we were using a custom engine, there was no animation system that came in-built with it, thus I had to create my own using transform values modification. I had to create animations that consisted of movements that were linear or ping-pong and had to make the animations play sequentially in order to have speed variations.

The end result was an animation system that was easily reusable throughout other levels and cutscenes!

Roles & Responsibilities

Role: Producer, Technical Designer, Programmer

Being the producer and technical designer in the team, I had to defend against the aliens by:

  • Developing prototypes of systems such as the player firing on professional engine before being ported to custom engine.

  • Managing the tasks of my teammates to ensure things stay on track.

  • Integrating UI & UI animations.

  • Designing the bosses behavior flow.

  • Creating an animation system and animations for the bosses.

  • Creating cinematics.


The entire process of creating Bogos Binted was not very smooth as there were multiple technical limitations that held back the design portion. We had to go through several iterations as things did not work out as we desired and we faced with many sleepless nights of bug fixing and design re-iterations.

One of our member was also hospitalized midway through the second trimester and the certain tasks had to be shifted around which increased workload and stress towards the other members. Thankfully it all ended well as we did not point fingers at each other and pushed through it.

Thank you for reading about our work on Bogos Binted!

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